
This blog belongs to Alique Azmi. He is 22 y.o. This blog is the place where he share his thought, idea, shout, curse, critics, opinion, experience and so on. Feel free to share yours too. Porn and 18-rate thingy are prohibited. It will not be posted here. Chill ~

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Photoshop simple tutorial : Make your own fav button

*Actually i take this tutorial from this post posted at my 2nd blog.

Finally, my first tutorial. Simple..i guess =P. Fyi, the .psd file is included and i use Adobe Photoshop CSIII. Well, in this tutorial, u will make this :

The steps

1. Create new file with size 80px * 15px. Select white for background. Name it as u please. Then name the first layer as "base".

2. Make the "base" layer half-transparent by setting its Fill to 50%.

3. Then zoom it 800% so that u can see the pixel boxs clearly.

4. Make new layer and name it "boarder". By using Pencil Tool, draw a boarder along the edge of the image based on the "base" layer. Make sure u draw it on the "boarder" layer. "Base" layer is just for pixel references. It will turns weird when u view it in actual view/size, but don't bother. Proceed until final steps.

5. Make new layer and name it "font". Use Type Tool to type the words "amduser" inside the boarder. Highlight the "amd" and choose colour green #009966, then highlight the "user" and choose colour not-so-black #262626. I use font Acknowledge TT BRK TTF. U can use other font instead. But for me, fav button better with pixel-type font.

6. Make new layer and name it "amd.logo". Use Pencil Tool to draw an amd logo. Make a pixel box at "base" layer as a reference. Its hard at first but use your creativity. Do it slowly. U will satisfied with the outcome.

7. Zoom out to 100%. Set the "base" layer Fill 100% back to make the background white. Then, save the fav button. Thats all.

8. Final

Standard size :

Notes :
- I love pixel art and prefer to draw the logo pixel-ly.
- This is my first tutorial, sorry for the missteps and the horrible languages.
- Hope u enjoy the tutorial.
- Thanx =P

Downloads :
- Download font : Acknowledge TT BRK
- Download .psd : amduser.psd


  1. deennasour said...

    aduh,,cantik gak kan?
    simple and nice!
    saya punya pshop tak leh bukak,,
    seriel number problem,,
    kalau rajin buat le utk deennasour ek?
    hehe,, :D

  2.! said...

    ps csIII ke..
    cari crack la.

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